
Hi! I'm Alexandra

MindSwitch Mondays #74: On SEL in the Future of Education

Published 12 months ago • 3 min read

“What do I do, Mom?”

My daughter kept asking me this question as we talked about a situation she kept having with her sister.

“You know what to do, take a step back, think about your feelings, reach out to your sister to express your concerns, and consider what limits you need to set. ​​You are strong and capable and will find your way through this.”

I recently revisited SEL and how learning to manage emotions and others affects students learning.

SEL stands for Social and Emotional Learning. It's all about learning how to understand and manage your emotions, build positive relationships with others, and make responsible decisions in your life.

We can think of SEL as a toolbox of skills that helps you navigate different social and emotional situations. Just like you learn math and science in school, SEL teaches essential life skills that can make a big difference in how you feel and get along with others.

But before understanding our emotions, we must first recognize what makes us happy, sad, or angry. It’s about fine-tuning our self-awareness to identify our emotions, embrace them, and learn how to manage them.

SEL is also about understanding others. Just like water has its effects on soap to lift away dirt, oils, and germs from surfaces; we also affect those surrounding us. It is also about developing social awareness to be able to understand and empathize with other people's emotions and perspectives. It's about being aware of the feelings of those around us, showing empathy, and respecting diversity.

SEL is about building relationship skills that will help us connect with others, make friends, and work well in teams.

As we grow in understanding our emotions and others, we develop into the best version of ourselves to manage any situation.

Ultimately, this toolbox will enable us to make thoughtful choices based on the well-being of ourselves and others, think about our actions’ consequences, weigh different options, and make ethical decisions.

Knowing that SEL is about understanding our emotions, why do we usually try to dismiss them by telling our kids, “Stop crying,” “Don’t be scared,” or “Smile. This should be a happy moment”?

We often fear big emotions, want our kids to feel happy, or are taught that certain emotions are unacceptable.

We live in a world where Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is essential for kids' success and well-being.

But kids face various challenges and complexities from a young age. From increasing academic pressures to navigating social relationships and managing emotions. We recognize that academic knowledge alone is not enough to prepare them for a fulfilling and balanced life. Children need SEL skills to thrive, just as we do.

Here’s why SEL plays a crucial role in the future of education:

  • Emotional Well-being: SEL helps students understand and manage their emotions better, leading to coping with stress better, building resilience, and promoting positive mental health.
  • Improved Relationships: SEL teaches students how to build healthy relationships with peers, teachers, and the broader community by developing skills to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and collaborate with others.
  • Enhanced Academic Performance: When students have a solid foundation of SEL skills, they are better equipped to focus, manage their time effectively, set goals, and persevere through challenges; they are more likely to engage in learning and perform better academically.
  • Future Workplace Skills: SEL equips students with essential skills for the future workplace. As automation and technology advance, human skills like collaboration, adaptability, and problem-solving become even more valuable to succeed in jobs that require teamwork and interpersonal skills.
  • Citizenship and Social Responsibility: SEL helps students develop a sense of social awareness, ethical decision-making, and a commitment to making a difference in their communities.

We recognize that kids are not just learners but individuals with unique emotions, experiences, and needs. By prioritizing SEL in their education, we empower them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, creating a generation of resilient, empathetic, and successful individuals who can positively impact the world around them.

So, How can we guide our kids in developing SEL skills?

❤️ Model and Reinforce SEL Skills: Be a role model by demonstrating empathy, active listening, and problem-solving skills in your interactions.

🧠 Foster Emotional Intelligence: Help your child identify and label their emotions. Encourage open conversations about feelings and validate their emotional experiences.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Promote Positive Relationships: Encourage healthy relationships by teaching communication skills, conflict resolution, and respect for others' perspectives.

🧘🏻‍♂️ Cultivate Mindfulness and Self-Care: Introduce mindfulness practices, such as breathing exercises and guided meditation, to help your child develop self-awareness and manage stress.

🌎 Encourage Social Responsibility: Engage your child in activities that promote kindness, empathy, and giving back to the community. Discuss the importance of being socially responsible. Find a family volunteer opportunity to support.

​​SEL skills are essential for our kids' happiness, making our family relationships stronger, and keeping our community peaceful. Let's encourage our kids to learn and practice SEL skills because they positively impact their lives, families, and community.

This issue is the 10th premise of The Future of Education and Parenting I have explored. How we parent our kids toward their future will make a difference in our kids’ lives, families, and communities.

If you missed the other nine issues, check your inbox the following Monday, I am dropping a gem of “The Future of Education” for you to catch up on.

Until next week,



Follow me on my social media adventures as education evolves!

Hi! I'm Alexandra

Education Consultant and Author

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